Resources & Reports


Telehealth & Medicaid – Telehealth & Patients with Disabilities

As telehealth became more widely utilized during COVID-19, it became clear that some segments of the population may be left behind due to inability to access the technology. One segment of the population, patients with disabilities, may have encountered unique barriers to accessing care through telehealth. This webinar will focus on what Medicaid programs and other state agencies have done to help ensure people with disabilities can utilize telehealth.

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Telehealth & Medicaid – Medicaid Telehealth Policy & Data, Evaluations, & Stakeholders

COVID-19 has spurred Medicaid programs to expand their telehealth policies. It has also encouraged them to examine the effects and impacts of such policies and engaging stakeholders more often than before. Learn about the efforts some Medicaid programs have made in collecting data and working with other groups as they work on solidifying the next steps in their telehealth policy development.

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Telehealth & Medicaid: Medicaid & Audio Only

When the COVID-19 pandemic began and a sharp pivot towards telehealth was made, policymakers quickly realized that not everyone would have access to video technology.  Audio-only was quickly allowed as a modality to deliver services. Now, policymakers are deciding whether the temporary audio-only policies should be made permanent.  During this webinar, panelists will discuss what their Medicaid programs may decide, or have already decided, to do.

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