Resources & Reports


Federal Policy & Telehealth: What to be Aware of Going Forward

As we start to wind down from the pandemic, what will the federal telehealth policy landscape look like going forward, and what should those interested in telehealth be aware of as far as policies impacting its use? Join us as we examine the various issues that policymakers will face as we move towards more permanent policy for telehealth on the federal level.

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Fall 2022 Webinar Series: Crossing State Lines

While telehealth may eliminate issues such as distance barriers, providers still face a number of policies that they will have to navigate as they provide services across state lines. In the first webinar for CCHP’s Fall 2022 State Policy Webinar Series, our panel of expert speakers will discuss various issues that providers should be aware of when they provide services in another state.

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Medicaid & State Telehealth Policy – Medicaid Telehealth Policy & Substance Use Disorder

In addition to COVID-19, the United States faced another public health crisis, the opioid epidemic. During COVID-19, some substance use disorder (SUD) patients found themselves cut off from care. Telehealth was used to help alleviate some of these access issues. In this webinar, we’ll hear about various approaches to the use of telehealth to treat SUD from federal, state and local perspectives.

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Medicaid & State Telehealth Policy: State Licensure

Licensure has often been cited as a barrier to the use of telehealth. With the possibility of COVID waivers expiring, the exemptions given to licensing requirements are beginning to disappear. This webinar will focus in on what the post-PHE landscape will look like and what are some of the methods that are being utilized to address the licensure issue.

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