Resources & Reports


Telehealth & Medicaid: A Policy Webinar Series – Winter Webinar Series Report

CCHP recently completed and released a report summarizing the four webinars hosted during the Winter webinar series. The Winter series theme, Telehealth Policy and COVID-19, focused on the rapid telehealth policy developments prompted by the public health emergency (PHE). The report dives into the findings gleaned from the presentations and synthesizes key takeaways from each Medicaid agency’s COVID-19 telehealth policy activities.


An Analysis of Private Payer Telehealth Coverage During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This report builds on CCHP’s COVID-19 research and resources by detailing the efforts that major U.S. health insurance carriers took to expand telehealth access in response to the pandemic. The eligibility windows for these policy changes ranged from March 2020 through the end of the public health emergency (PHE). We focused our analysis on private payer policies that were implemented prior to November 25, 2020. The report provides an overview of the key findings from our analysis and discusses their implications.


Barriers & Challenges to FQHC Use of Telehealth for Substance Use Disorder

CCHP has released an issue brief on its research funded by the National Institute of Health Care Management (NIHCM) into the policy changes that need to be made in order for federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) to utilize telehealth to address the opioid crisis.  This issue brief provides a comparison of reimbursement and prescribing policies both prior to and following the onset of the COVID-19 emergency.


Remote Communication Technology Codes Report- An Analysis of State Medicaid Coverage

Most states provide their Medicaid fee-for-service fee schedules online. These fee schedules are updated periodically to add or remove codes and update reimbursement rates. CCHP examined the fee schedules of each state and D.C. to identify the states reimbursing for technology-based service codes that are not defined as telehealth under Medicare.