How the FQHCs have impacted
Medicaid policy

Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) provide necessary services for some of the most vulnerable populations. However, due to their unique structure, Medicaid telehealth policies can be very nuanced and complicated.

With funding from the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), CCHP has created a separate section on its policy finder that lists the Medicaid fee-for-services policies on telehealth as they relate to the FQHCs. This section of the policy finder was created in the Fall of 2022 and current funding will allow it to be updated through April of 2024.

Look up FQHC policy
by topic

The topic categories vary slightly from what is found in the rest of the policy finder due to the unique policies that apply to FQHCs.

The information is organized by the following:

Definition of Visit >

Modalities Allowed >

Same Day Encounters >

Eligible Originating Site >

Eligible Distant Fee >

Facility Fee >

PPS Rate >

Home Eligible >

Patient-Provider Relationship >

Look up FQHC
policy by jurisdiction

You can also explore how all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and federal Medicare have administered emergency policy updates across eight COVID-19 related policy topics.